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Designing immersive sensorial spaces in retail during COVID-19
Our perception and recollection of an event is extremely high when multiple tangible senses are involved. COVID-19 has brought the opportunity to look into safer public experiences without compromising on the experience itself.
For my Graduation Project, I worked as a design researcher at Lumiere Business Solutions - a research, consulting and design firm which partners with clients in co-creating customized, insightful and innovative business solutions.
For my project, I was given an interesting challenge - working at an intersection of research, design and retail.
| To design an immersive and interactive brand experience in modern retail for Brand X* fragrances. Certain electronic components** are fixed for which the experience and interaction is to be designed keeping the COVID-19 scenario in mind.
* This project is under NDA, hence the brand cannot be named. Brand X belongs to a sub-brand of a multi-national FMCG corporation.
** Fixed electronic components - a diffusing mechanism that had earlier been innovated upon by the Lumiere team along with Brand X's R&D team.

A 14-week project which entailed building an understanding of the technology, the consumers and retail design all packed into one. Understanding ergonomics, building for safe environments in a post-covid world and solving for business needs were my biggest learnings.
The concept aims to surprise customers and offers an air of exclusivity. It is fleeting in nature and therefore should be conceived not as a shop but as an event. The event aims to provide an exciting experience and engage all of the customer’s senses. Brand awareness is top priority, making sales a secondary function.
Creating a contactless kiosk which is gamified, gives users the choice of control, and is impactful in terms of brand recall value.

Given the non-disclosure agreement for this project, I cannot detail out my process and the final concepts. Would love to discuss it with you on a one-on-one basis! Reach out to me at and I would be happy to take you through the project 😊
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